Board Members
Board Member
JI’s members share a commitment to the vision of a healthy community where children, youth, and their families thrive. They must demonstrate their commitment through constructive collaboration and support the purposes of JI to:
- Improve the working relationships and communication among agencies
- Reduce programmatic “gaps” and avoid duplication of services
- Increase the Knowledge and utilization and range of regional resources
- Identify and overcome the barriers that exist between agencies that negatively impact clients
- Recognize the particular area of expertise and responsibility for each JI member
- Ensure that individuals and families receive holistic services in the least restrictive environment
- Assess community attitudes and values and promote the delivery of integrated services
- Serve as a catalyst for the development, implementation and evaluation of effective public policy
When JI members commit to the vision of a healthy community where children, youth, and their families thrive, they take on the challenges of providing a link between the organization and the community, and evaluating their performance in achieving that mission.
The number of JI Board Directors will not exceed 25 so that the organization can maintain its collaborative ability.
If an opportunity for Board Directorship arises, an agency, organization or individual must be recommended to the JI Executive Committee by a current Board Director. The prospective new Board Director must agree to the criteria for membership and be willing to fulfill the responsibilities outlined in the JI by-laws.
Joint initiatives will solicit new Board Directors from time to time based on board recommendations regarding an agency’s, organization’s or individual’s expertise and/or their impact that helps JI achieve its mission.
Since JI has a limited number of Board Directorship opportunities, leaders from organizations within the community may be recruited to partner with JI on ad-hoc projects or committees to accomplish its goals.