Pathways - Joint Initiatives

The Pathways Program

In collaboration with youth, families, community stakeholders, and service providers, the Pathways program works to provide unique service and planning for early intervention and complex needs for families with youth birth-21 in El Paso County and the 4th Judicial District.

Program Overview

The Pathways Program, with REACH Committee direction, provides Care Coordination and ISST (Individualized Service and Support Team) for youth and their families with complex needs. Schools, Municipal and District Courts, and community stakeholders refer youth and their family for the following programming:

  • Care Coordination and early intervention for youth 10-17 with drug or alcohol use
  • ISST, a neutral planning process for youth ages 0-21
  • Unique funding requests for youth ages 0-21 and their family. Our guiding principles include family and youth voice and choice, with shared decision-making as foundational. Funding and services are provided for El Paso and Teller County.



Pathways programming is a response to unique youth and professional needs in El Paso and Teller Counties.

The REACH Committee includes state-appointed members for CYDC (Colorado Youth Detention Continuum – 4th JD; El Paso and Teller County focus ages 10-17) and CMP (Collaborative Management Project – El Paso County focus ages 0-21) In collaboration with stakeholders, the REACH Committee reviews data and budgets to plan services and programming.

The focus of CMP is to ensure family voice and choice through family planning meetings like ISST (Individualized Service and Support Team), HFW (High Fidelity Wraparound), and FEMs (Family Engagement Meetings at DHS)

In collaboration with youth, families, community stakeholders, and service providers, the Pathways program works to provide unique service and planning for early intervention and complex needs for families with youth birth-21 in El Paso County and the 4th Judicial District.

Care Coordination for youth (ages 10-17) that have experienced drug use/abuse.

Individualized Service and Support Team (ISST) is a planning process that is
youth- and family-focused.

Funding Assistance for youth (ages 0-21) and their families.

Frequently asked questions

Individuals and/or organizations requesting a service or payment of bill should use the Service Referral/Financial Assistant Request
and attach any invoices or additional paperwork required. See form HERE for details or email
for help filling out the request.

▶ See the Pathways Referral Process Flyer to submit a request.

▶ For full ISST details, view the ISST Flyer HERE here.

Individualized Service and Support Team (ISST) is a planning process that is youth- and family-focused, community-supported, and promotes collaboration and coordination among systems. Additional types of ISST include:

  • Expedited ISST serves youth ages 10-17 with juvenile justice involvement.
  • Truant ISST is for youth with truancy charges or at-risk of truancy and identified/referred by school districts.
  • Child ISST is for youth ages 0-10. This early intervention ISST provides planning for youth identified in early childhood settings with behavioral concerns or through the courts with open Dependency and Neglect cases.

ISST can be requested by the Court, GALs, Attorneys, Probation, Care Coordinators, DHS, schools or school representatives, or concerned community members. This list is not exhaustive but can be used as a guide. Requests for an ISST are reviewed to determine the best venue based on the ages of youth and family needs.


Joint Initiatives uses funding to prevent and provide intervention services for youth (ages 10-17) in El Paso and Teller Counties. Referrals come from Colorado Springs, Woodland Park, and Fountain municipal courts or schools. A youth’s ability to access these resources at this early stage of the juvenile justice system assists the district with addressing a youth’s substance use/abuse issues before they reach a higher level of severity. Youth referred are Gain Assessed for program qualification and services. Families receive Care Coordination throughout their engagement in the program. For more information, send inquiries to