In partnership with Joint Initiatives for Youth + Families/Foundations, the Pikes Peak Small Business Development Center LEADING EDGE™ for Childcare Providers helps both licensed childcare providers (home-based) and start-ups. The program assists childcare providers in strengthening business practices when coping with the ever-changing landscape of the Colorado workforce.
Beyond the ACEs Score | Parts 1, 2, and 3
Beyond the ACEs Score | Parts 1, 2, and 3
Promoting Positive Childhood Experiences: Through the Lens of the Neurosequential Model in Early Childhood Education. Parts 1, 2, and 3 build upon each other. Children’s mental health training provides early childhood educators an opportunity to better understand the impact of childhood trauma and how to implement strategies to prevent or reduce the effects. Through building nurturing relationships, providing positive experiences, and offering safe environments for children to live, play, and learn, individuals can contribute to the healthy development and well…