January 31, 2024, meeting canceled due to unforseen circumstances. Please stay tuned for the rescheduled date!
Collective Impact is the commitment of a group of important actors from different sectors to a common agenda for solving a specific social problem. Key ingredients of successful community efforts to move “from fragmented action and results” to “collective action and deep and durable impact” include a common agenda, shared measurement, mutually reinforcing activities, continuous communication, and backbone support.
As a backbone support organization, JI’s role is to guide vision and strategy, support aligned activities, establish shared measurement practices, cultivate community engagement and ownership, advance policy, and mobilize funding.
Meeting details (time and location/Zoom link) are shared with committee members via email. If you would like more information about this committee, please use the Contact Us form or contact Kimberly Smith at ksmith@jointinitiatives.org.